An employee’s education, experience, and expertise (Human Capital) are known factors to the success of an employee but, combined with assets one can procure from their professional interactions creates Social Capital.
Social capital hence can be explained alternatively as an employee’s involvement in the organizational network, leading to making workplace communications more efficient and effective.

What is Social Capital?

Social capital emphasises the importance of social bonds, bridges and links, to maximise the utilisation of an effective and efficient workforce, to achieve organisational objectives.

At OrgLens we explain and analyze Social capital with the help of three indexes: network quality, network pattern, and network support.

How is the Social Capital report generated?
Survey Administration

We administer a survey that captures the spread and effectiveness of your Social Network across 6 key themes i.e. Work, Career, Power, Knowledge, Energy, and Emotion.

Social Graph Generation

OrgLens' proprietary algorithm converts the survey responses into a Social Graph which will be used to generate insights about your Social Capital.

Social Capital Report Creation

Based on your Social Graph - OrgLens generates a customized report which highlights actionable insights like the pattern of your network, the support from your colleagues, and the quality of your relationships.